Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Kidney most common 9 symptoms of men

You do kidney? Hear this question, I believe 100% of the men will certainly be shaking his head. Since the concept: "You do kidney only, as I am so strong, how could a man's man kidney?" Men fear their own with the "kidney" to link the least related. Kidney, really be so awful?

When a

(Tell) into the May weather was warm, I can only have wrapped themselves tightly, because it is easy to dry mouth, nose cross flow. In particular, in the evening, feeling cold hands and feet, and sometimes a warm night, but come.

(Symptoms) aversion to cold

(Analysis) "chills" means a feeling of cold and afraid of the wind. "Limbs" means hand, foot and cold limbs, or even cold to the elbow, knee symptoms. "Poet," often accompanied by waist and knee pain, God, lying tired and less gas lazy words, such as kidney disease mouth pale thirst. In addition to serving Jinkuishenqiwan, ginger can also be attached to burning dog, it has the Warming and cold, the effect of impotence Yijing, is: 1,000 grams of dog meat, washed, cut into small pieces and simmer the ginger 150 g mature stand. 30 grams of cooked pieces will be attached into the casserole, Xian Jian 2 hours, then vinegar, garlic, ginger into, plus adequate water, until the dog can be eaten boiled.

When two

(Tell) I fell in love six years, married his girlfriend a month ago just on the sex life "great interest", every night, "hard labor", never tired. However, sometimes these days suddenly found themselves powerless, brake birds and go, but also groggy during the day, back pain. Is, I'm going to "No" it?

(Symptoms) over intercourse

(Analysis) TCM kidney essence. Kidney essence of yin and yang give birth to, nurture and warmth of the internal organs play a role. Yin and yang in the body of interdependence, mutual restraint, to maintain the body's physiological balance. If this balance will be the destruction of the lesions occur in a recession or a party, male impotence premature ejaculation occurs, Hua Jing, semen disease and other illnesses. When you are in bed with his girlfriend or wife "not change the past," when, please do note that the "degree", if long indulged in sex or masturbation, too frequent, often appear lethargy, dizziness, insomnia, forgetfulness, lower back pain and other renal virtual phenomenon. Appropriate arrangements for your "bed movement" time and frequency is the best way to solve the problem.

Symptoms 3

(Tell) say that "misfortunes never come singly," since two years ago, have diabetes, I have this body had been no corpuscles. This does not, the latest diabetes just stable, again dizziness weakness, insomnia, not to mention the spirit can not afford to take care of business.

(Symptoms) dizziness, weakness, insomnia,

(Analysis) kidney as an important organ of the body nourishment and warmth of other organs, if prolonged diseases of other organs, it is easy to harm the kidney. Many chronic diseases such as chronic hepatitis, coronary heart disease, asthma, high blood pressure patients, often accompanied by a kidney deficiency symptoms. To cure kidney, completely cured the disease in other organs is a fundamental way, or are the "palliatives" move.

Symptoms 4

(Tell) starting from last winter, has always been healthy I suddenly of asthma, and sometimes can not even speak properly, it makes me extremely worried. Thought it was smoking, but after quitting smoking does not reduce asthma symptoms.

(Symptoms) of asthma

(Analysis) kidney "qi" function. Not due to kidney qi, can cause shortness of breath, wheezing, respiratory and more smoke less, so you find it difficult to breathe fun. Severe cases, breathing may also occur with increased asthma, cold sweat fly from the other symptoms. Clinically, asthma order to cure the root cause must be cut off through the kidney qi and strengthen body's ability to relieve symptoms and reduce the chance of a relapse. Recommended kidney qi decoction as cough Seven soup, famous doctors in China were registered in your party.

Symptoms 5

(Tell) the waist is always sorrow and grief does not last, and customers play in

Golf, the pain will be a little hard.

(Symptoms) low back pain


Low back pain lies in kidney can be divided into internal injuries and fatigue. Internal injury generally refers to kidney deficiencies, chronic illness caused by weak or fatigue. Find it difficult to bend light or upright, in serious cases there heel pain, lower back weakness embolism; strain that physical burden is too heavy or long-term work in the same fixed position (using the computer, car, etc.), for a long time will damage the kidney, leading to lack of kidney essence. If recurrent low back pain, and rest can not solve the problem, it should consider ways to resolve kidney, such as Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, Jinguishenqi Dabuyin pill.

Symptoms 6

(Tell) half a month to the frequency and urine output increased urination at night, sometimes up to 3,4 times a night, and made their own good rest at night, daytime sleepiness than. As a company vice president, if such work to subordinates to see my state, it is accurate.

(Symptoms) nocturnal polyuria


Usually in 2 or more times the number of nocturia, or urine output over a full day 1 / 4, severe nocturia once an hour, close to or more than daytime urine urine, such a situation are "nocturnal polyuria." Urine normal during the day, independent of urine at night more than is characteristic of this disease, usually caused by kidney caused by weakness. To eradicate the need to seize the temperature of the air supporting the congenital kidney, the main part, enhanced photo gasification of solid kidney function, to get back yin yang effect of rehabilitation. Recommend the right prescription medicine Pill.

Symptoms 7

(Tell) to the international auto show, and colleagues have been busy over a month. Although the project is progressing well, but my body has a problem, often the work of dizziness, tinnitus and other phenomena, and sometimes collapsed.

(Symptoms) dizziness, ringing in the ears


Many people have experienced the feeling of dizziness, the kind of visual disturbances, dizzy, nausea, vomiting, taste and feel good, often accompanied by tinnitus and dizziness in patients Voice, impede hearing, last long, and even lead to deafness. The causes of tinnitus caused dizziness associated with liver and kidney. Chinese terms "kidney essence and marrow, cord together and for the brain", the kidney can cause marrow insufficiency, and brain loss of the support, dizziness, ringing in the ears. Treatment should benefit kidney qi, while pulp fine enough full, dizziness, ringing in the ears also can naturally be removed.

Symptoms 8

(Tell) from a year ago, started with constipation, "convenient" time is very painful, just can use "deep sorrow" to describe. Although

Hospital took a laxative medicine, but only temporarily solve the pain of a day or two.

(Symptoms) constipation


Constipation is often due to constipation occur anal fissure, hemorrhoids embolism, affecting work and life miserable. Although constipation is the large intestine conduction dysfunction, but its root cause is due to kidney deficiency caused, because kidney opens into the genital organs, the main two would, to pass stool in the conduction of excitation and nourish kidney to function properly. Treatment of constipation should start treating kidney deficiency, eat some kidney yang, benefit essence and blood, such as the role of laxative medicine, fiery Maren, Polygonum multiflorum.

Symptoms 9

Company drivers to Hainan with the new wife "fly together," manager dropped my rod Regal daily shuttle most of the time driving that bike in traffic, the spirit of high tension. One month down and waist leg pain, frequent urination, urgency, but to the hospital for what they can not find the fault.

(Symptoms) and acid back leg pain, frequent urination urgency

(Resolution) the same time rigid body sat in the car, plus car nervous, over time and eventually lead to the formation of kidney qi stagnation. Doctor's advice, drive about an hour to get off exercise together, the way this problem be solved within the acute and Do not holding back urine, to know a long time holding back urine can cause frequent urination, urgent urination, enuresis, abdominal pain and vaginal symptoms such as increased urination at night

Reminder: the four most bad habits, kidney injury

As a high incidence and high mortality diseases, kidney disease early symptoms are subtle, many people often unwittingly got kidney disease.

Department of Nephrology, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Professor Ding Xiaoqiang, director pointed out that improper diet, drug abuse, neglect cold, long-term holding back urine, and other daily habits most likely to damage the kidneys healthy.

Eat eat kidney overwhelmed

Kidney disease, many people are unwittingly "to eat" out.

Kidney is important for excretion of body wastes and toxins organs. Eat salty, too sweet, too rich, eat too much protein will increase the burden on the kidneys, the long-load work, kidneys naturally susceptibility to disease.

Eat salty also prone to lead to high blood pressure. Hypertension is a systemic disease, kidney disease it is often a pair of "twins." In recent years, hypertension, renal damage caused rising incidence. Therefore, the daily life should insist salt diet, daily intake of salt should be 5-6 grams more appropriate.

Eating too sweet, too oil will not only increase the burden to the kidney, but also lead to obesity. Obesity can cause kidney

Fat content increased, weight increased, the volume increases, glomerular hypertrophy. Obese patients also prone to insulin resistance, triggering diabetes. Approximately 40% of diabetes patients may nephropathy, kidney disease and this is one of the most difficult treatment of kidney disease.

Eating too much protein will result in increased concentrations of uric acid in vivo, induced hyperuricemia. Elevated serum uric acid kidney toxicity is very large, very easily lead to occurrence of renal tubular and interstitial lesions, and finally develop into chronic renal failure or uremia.

Free medication easy to take the bad kidney

Mr. Wang has recently been a cold, stuffy nose headache then, in order to quickly get rid of suffering a cold, it easily at home eating a few pieces of cold medicine. After a day of see persistent symptoms, he ate a few grains of antibiotics. Did not expect that afternoon, Mr. Wang felt a sudden backache, back after a while even children are not straighten up. Was taken to hospital, doctors diagnosed Mr. Wang is suffering from acute nephritis.

Department of Nephrology, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Ding Xiaoqiang, director told reporters, as a result of drug abuse cases in recent years, frequent renal impairment. The hospital almost every month, such as Mr. Wang met caused by free medicine nephritis patients.

Human body produces a lot of "junk" are discharged through the kidneys by the urine, including metabolites of drugs in the body. Some drugs on the kidney obvious side effects, including gentamicin and kanamycin antibiotics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and some cold medicine compound.

Therefore, no clear diagnosis of influenza infection in patients with fever, not to self-medication with antibiotics. After the fever medication should not be arbitrary, but under the guidance of a doctor symptoms of right according to their own taking. In particular, renal dysfunction and has been suffering from chronic kidney disease are more cautious agents.

In addition to the drugs, the long-term use of certain anti-cancer chemotherapy drugs, the percent weight loss drug, female contraceptive drugs can cause different degrees of renal impairment.

Quietly ignore the cold kidney disease

Antibiotics for a cold will damage the kidneys you eat can not see a doctor if dragging and neglect treatment, seemingly not serious cold, laryngitis and other diseases will also lead to kidney disease.

Ding Xiaoqiang, director, said infection is a common factor leading to kidney disease. Acute pharyngitis, acute upper respiratory tract infections can trigger acute glomerulonephritis acute or chronic nephritis. So every cold weather or temperature changes significantly when the new hospital admissions and exacerbations in patients with kidney fat person would be increased, while the number of kidney patients have a cold before the onset of history.

Found that the incidence of acute glomerulonephritis, the majority of hemolytic

Streptococcus infection and pathogenesis of this nephritis certain incubation period, the patient usually subside after the cold symptoms were relieved or until symptoms appear nephritis. Mainly as follows: hematuria, cloudy urine, red or brown; edema, and most of them first appeared in the face, especially in the eyelids, the serious, will appear in the lower limbs, in addition to headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue loss of appetite and other symptoms. Therefore, if the above symptoms after a cold, must not ignore the treatment of acute nephritis.

In addition to common upper respiratory tract infection, pneumonia, hepatitis and other common infectious diseases may lead to different types of kidney disease. Ding Xiaoqiang, director suggested that in order to protect the health of the kidney, should be strengthened daily exercise, attention to work and rest, improve the body immunity, actively prevent a cold, do not let the virus damage kidneys.

Long-term care Biechu nephritis Bieniao

Daily life of some obscure bad habits will lead to kidney disease.

Miss Zhang is very busy doing routine work, a busy drinking to forget, the toilet often "dragged" over time to develop the habit of holding back urine. Organization of medical units last year, Miss Zhang found that he was a chronic nephritis.

Ding Xiaoqiang, director said that not only can trigger long-term holding back urine of bladder injury, prolonged retention of urine in the bladder is also very vulnerable to bacterial growth, once back ureter and kidney reflux, in which toxic substances will cause kidney infections, which cause urinary tract infections , nephritis or uremia.

Therefore, even if the work of another busy and do not forget to ground water and the toilet on time. Once cultivated the habit of holding back urine, they will be unaware that affect kidney health. The kidney disease often has no specific early symptoms, many patients are in advanced stage of disease, acute attack or when regret.

Ding Xiaoqiang, director reminded, in addition to doing regular urine and kidney function screening, can not be ignored in daily life, particularly backache, edema, urine color change, increased urination at night, long treatment of anemia or high blood pressure and other symptoms. If they find traces of these kidney disease, must be timely treatment.

Through the "kidneys of the window" to see the disease

I recently observed the child's physical examination found that too many parents to stay in urine trouble, the neglect of routine urine examination, since that "my child pee no problem." In response to this phenomenon, I visited with a doubt the Beijing Union Medical College Hospital, specializes in children on kidney disease, rheumatoid autoimmune diseases and genetic metabolic diseases diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as pediatric chief physician and PhD supervisor Professor Wei Min had an exclusive interview.

Reporter (hereinafter referred to as "mind"): Wei Zhuren, many parents in the child's physical examination process, do not attach importance to the child's urine, because of trouble, often do not stay in urine, to miss the examination items. You can talk about this phenomenon of opinion?

Wei Min (hereinafter referred to as "Wei"): so that they are very wrong. Actually, both children and adults, should be regular urine routine examination, urine routine physical examination is essential when a project. Why? Because the kidney is the only body in the blood of metabolic waste excretion organs, the maintenance of normal physiological function and the continuation of life is very important. Kidney illness, because of their strong compensatory function, the body can not feel anything. Some children have kidney failure, and still go to school as usual, but the parents found that children with some pale, doctors do blood biochemical examination, discovered that children have access to advanced renal failure, when in addition to renal transplantation, the long missed the early and effective the timing of drug therapy!

Reporter: So how can we accomplish in the kidney and other urinary tract diseases, early discovery?

Wei A: found in kidney, urinary system problems, the most simple, convenient, noninvasive method is to conduct regular routine urine examination. It can be said, urine is "the windows of the kidney!" After routine examination, can give us the kidney, urinary tract problems information. In general, early detection of kidney disease will be found in the urine routine examination abnormal, as acute and chronic glomerular nephritis, urinary tract infection, the urine protein, red blood cells, abnormal white blood cells were measured. Necessary, targeted to the relevant professional examination, make the correct clinical diagnosis could be achieved early detection and early treatment.

Reporter: In the course of children's urine, urine color is different, we can not be judged by the color state to do?

Wei: urine routine examination the clinical diagnosis of kidney disease the most simple, is also essential for a preliminary examination. Urine routine examination generally include: urine color transparency, pH, specific gravity, qualitative urinary protein, urine qualitative to, erythrocytes, leukocytes, epithelial cells and tube, bilirubin, urine bile element, etc., throughout the routine examination of urine vary from 8 to 11 range, such as through urine following the state can determine:

Normal fresh urine: for the yellow or yellow and transparent.

Hematuria; clinical diagnosis of urinary tract inflammation, stones, tuberculosis, cancer, infection.

Hemoglobinuria: the appearance of dark red transparent seen in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, blood transfusion and other blood group incompatibility.

Bilirubin Urine: dark yellow transparent are found in all kinds of jaundice.

Chyluria: a white turbidity, lymphatic vessels, such as gambling Cypriot private echinococcosis, cancer, tuberculosis.

Concentration in urine: white haze, common in urinary tract infection.

Crystalluria: granular turbidity, urinary tract infection, stones.

Urine can not replace kidney function tests

Review a number of kidney patients, only urine tests, the results are not abnormal renal function on the view that no problem. In fact, only to see if a urine proteinuria, hematuria and abnormal, and can not fully reflect the kidney function. Some patients with early renal dysfunction, due to loss of protein in urine very little urine has been hardening, loss of filtration function, urine protein but does not appear, urine examination was normal, then those who can not excrete toxins from the kidney to accumulate In the blood, this easy to cover up the false condition.

When kidney damage, the protein may leak into the urine is an early sign of renal damage. Can do at this time as a 24-hour urine protein examination, often accurately reflect the amount of urinary protein loss. This is due to increased glomerular permeability or low molecular weight plasma protein too, or renal tubular epithelial cell injury, weight reduction or loss of absorptive capacity, the protein will be poured into the urine, when more than a heavy tubular produce proteinuria when absorptive capacity. Proteinuria is there more than the normal amount of urine protein, usually take 24-hour urine protein test. 24-hour urine protein in the 0.15 to 0.5 grams as microalbuminuria, between 0.5 to 1 gram of mild proteinuria, 3.5 grams in a moderate proteinuria, severe proteinuria greater than 3.5 grams. If the 24-hour urine protein test results reported sustained protein (ie, within a few weeks there were two positive results), suggesting that patients with chronic kidney disease.

However, the qualitative and quantitative urine protein examination, the diagnosis of kidney disease, a coarse screening test. Kidney damage, because of the difficulties will be excluded creatinine accumulate in the blood to a higher level, therefore, only through a higher level, by Charles serum creatinine, urea nitrogen, can know the extent of kidney damage.

How to judge the kidney through urine?

Urine, the kidney treatment can not be ignored, not only do physical examination when urine routine examination, clinical treatment, but also frequently observed changes in urine, including urine volume, color, smell and so on.

First, the observation urine

Normal urine color is light yellow or dark yellow, the colors come from pigments in urine, urine choline or choline with a polypeptide of the original combination of material, the color addition to urine output, but also by the impact of weather and food in general cold weather and more clear, warm weather, mostly yellow; such as acidic dietary intake, the urine is dark; if partial alkaline diet, their urine is more light. Although most of the urine of patients with kidney disease have changed, is different in different diseases, generally are the following:

1, almost colorless urine

If the urine is very pale or almost colorless, in addition to drinking too much, the routine found in diabetes insipidus, diabetic nephropathy; such as fever, drinking little or a lot of vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration resulted in the body appears yellow urine, compared with nephrotic syndrome, chronic nephritis, anaphylactoid purpura nephritis, renal anemia and other symptoms of kidney disease.

2, brown, brown black

If colorless urine make you feel worried, then when you see the tan or brown urine, you will certainly be more fear. According to the production process and in the urine of substances contained in the Department of Nephrology, experts believe that this situation is common in acidic urinary tract hemorrhage, renal stones, renal failure, rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, lupus nephritis, uremia and other kidney symptoms.

3, Red

That we will certainly think of red urine, hematuria, yes, apart from some drugs can be red urine, the urine mostly morbid reaction, kidney disease can cause hematuria are acute and chronic renal failure, nephrotic syndrome, uremia, rapidly progressive kidney disease, lupus kidney disease.

4, brown, yellow green, brown green

Clinically, will occasionally see this rare urine, remove the rhubarb in urine, due to factors such as senna, consider urinary bilirubin and urinary choline caused more common in occult nephritis, chronic renal failure, hydronephrosis, renal tuberculosis, pyelonephritis due to illness.

In addition to these several urine color, the clinic will also appear blue and milky white urine, which is also caused by kidney disease urine abnormalities. Only learned how to identify kidney urine, we can actively cooperate with the treatment of a doctor, so that at any time find that any treatment.

Second, urine

Under normal circumstances, urine volume per person per night is about 1600 ml. When kidney damage occurs, the glomerular filtration rate decreased urine output will be abnormal, mainly in oliguria, polyuria and nocturia increases and other aspects.

1, oliguria:

Oliguria that every day and night urine volume less than 400 ml, if less than 0.8 ml urine of children / h / kg body weight, but also prompted oliguria; not every night that the urine volume of urine is less than 50 to 100 ml. Little or no urine mainly seen in all causes of acute renal failure, including prerenal, renal, acute renal failure after kidney.

2, polyuria:

Polyuria that every night of the urine is greater than 3000ml, except excessive drinking causes, such as common in renal diabetes insipidus.

3, nocturia more:

Increased urination at night is 18:00 to 6:00 next morning more than the total urine volume of urine during the day. Common in chronic renal impaired.

Third, other common change

In addition to observation of urine and urine can identify kidney disease, the common clinical urine foam also increased, indicating increased urinary solute elements (such as kidney disease common clinical albuminuria); urine has ammonia odor, common in urinary tract infection; with fruit aroma such as found in diabetic ketoacidosis.

kidney≠kidney and blood deficiency ≠anemia

Chinese medicine is more and more people accept the same time, such as blood deficiency, kidney deficiency such words, so most people still feel puzzled. Relationship with blood deficiency anemia Yousha, kidney is the renal defects in it? Being more and more Chinese people to accept, but at the same time, such as blood deficiency, kidney deficiency such words, so most people still feel puzzled . You Sha relationship with blood deficiency anemia, kidney is the renal defects in it?

≠ blood deficiency anemia

In the out-patient said he often heard "blood deficiency", is anemia. In fact, the Chinese say, "blood deficiency" and the Western anemia are two completely different concepts. Anemia in Western medicine in general is lower than normal hemoglobin concentrations. As in plain areas, adult males less than 120 grams / liter; adult women below 110 grams / liter can be diagnosed as anemia.

The Chinese call "blood deficiency" is a dizzy, palpitations, insomnia, hand, foot and numb, pale or sallow complexion, less menstrual women, amenorrhea broad range of symptoms. Including, surgery, gynecology, subjects of the disease in children can see the "blood deficiency" can not be simply equated with Western medicine for a certain disease. Because the Chinese referred to the blood, including not only blood, but also many features of higher nervous system activity. The diagnosis of Chinese medicine, "blood deficiency" evidence does not mean a Western anemia; but medical diagnosis of anemia in general medicine are "deficient" category.

≠ kidney kidney

"Kidney deficiency" is unique to Chinese medicine theory, broadly speaking, almost all of the physical diseases can be attributed to "kidney." Chinese medicine, kidney essence, the main water kidney, kidney primary bone and kidney of Qi and kidney open into the ears, kidney and Division II will be the general problem of these features is kidney deficiency.

Kidney yin and kidney yang deficiency can be divided into two categories

Yin deficiency manifested as waist and knee pain, dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia, hot flashes, night sweat, zygomatic red throat, red tongue, little Tianjin, thready pulse and other symptoms, can take Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, left return balls drugs. Deficiency manifested as waist and knee pain, cold limbs, impotence and premature ejaculation, mental drowsiness, pale tongue with scalloped weak pulse and other symptoms, you can take Jinguishenqi Yougui balls medication. And Western medicine nephropathy is renal excretion of waste and regulation of body metabolism capacity of water problems caused by diseases, including various types of nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency and kidney stones and kidney tumors. Therefore, the treatment of renal disease should be based on different causes of Differential Treatment, must not easily "kidney."

LDB Liver Kidney skin

Cold, is the tonic of the time, but recently many of the top three Chinese medicine hospital doctors found out that many middle-aged as "LDB" as a "kidney secret" long-term consumption, but they will feel more up --- Some of the original virtual worsening symptoms; Some people even "fill out" the problems of gastrointestinal discomfort. As a class of very classic traditional Chinese patent medicines, Liu Wei Di Huang Wan in the end what kind of illness for what? How to choose and "tonic" mean?

LDB does not apply to persons Kidney

According to report, in the clinic to "complaints" Liu Wei Di Huang Wan of people, most of his family in the pharmacy to buy as a tonic, and experts believe that Liu Wei Di Huang Wan not "blind to eat," because it has a very clear indication different people need to adjust the different physical and match to get the best results.

Liu Wei Di Huang Wan mainly for liver and kidney yin deficiency or Chinese medicine, kidney origin, symptoms appear together. Clinical manifestations of bursts of hot flashes, night sweats, hot hands and feet, the five elements vexed hot, some patients with two zygomatic afternoon redness, or dizziness, tinnitus, weak waist and so on.

Kidney also deficiency, clinical manifestations of hands and feet cold, cold sweat, pale. Patients with partial tender face, hands and feet side sink, no energy, felt weak waist, but more of a colder, afraid of cold, male impotence occurs.

Liu Wei Di Huang Wan is not applicable to patients with kidney yang deficiency, yin and yang are not as easily distinguished, and sometimes even merge, so it was better under the guidance of a doctor medication.

Liu Wei Di Huang Wan can be used for a variety of diseases,

So, what specific symptoms can take Liu Wei Di Huang Wan do? Chinese Medical University School of Medicine Head of Diagnostics of Chinese Medicine Wang Tianfang that, first, patients with chronic fatigue, more in line with liver and kidney diseases, recommended taking the LDB in a two-week months; other menopausal syndrome, can be under the guidance of a doctor taking a few months Liuweidihuangwan to six months, and sometimes with other of the drugs needed to treat, to relieve symptoms are more helpful; For Early manifestations of some liver-kidney sub-health groups, such as insomnia and other people can take appropriate under the guidance of a doctor.

Spleen and stomach are advised to take another half an hour after a meal

Experts believe that high blood pressure, diabetes, hyperthyroidism such disease, if consistent with the symptoms of liver and kidney, can according to Chinese medicine, "different diseases" approach to food LDB. But note that the spleen and stomach can choose to take in a meal half an hour later, to avoid long-term use of the gastrointestinal damage. Meanwhile, Liu Wei Di Huang Wan's take should be based on physical conditions change, not the same as a daily non-stop taking the vitamin.

【Related Q & A】

LDB large pills have pellets, how should we choose?

Liu Wei Di Huang Wan is a traditional big pill use generally is a one pill twice a day. Pellets are generally of a pill, the same weight of higher efficacy. There are also capsules and granules, these different formulations can be chosen, the key is to be based on different physical condition to master the amount taken.

Market, there are many "so-Di Huang Wan" like drugs, with Liu Wei Di Huang Wan What is the difference?

Liu Wei Di Huang Wan in the basis of taste with one or two other commonly used drugs can be proprietary. Ba Wei Di Huang Wan Liu Wei Di Huang Wan and more than two flavors, plus a Master, cinnamon, it is mainly temperature dependent, and poor treatment of deficiency, with the relative effect of LDB; Qi Ju Di Huang Wan, Liu Wei Di Huang Wan in the added on the basis of wolfberry fruit and chrysanthemum, two herb emphasis on Shugan, Liver, liver opens into the eyes, so qiju emphasis on liver and kidney, eye discomfort; also wheat flavor Di Huang Wan, an increase of Ophiopogon japonicus and Schisandra, it focused on the cough Yin's.